Stay Positive

by 08.01 0 komentar
Many things happen in life. We often face the things that we dont want. We are fail to achieve what we want. We feel that our tasks which have to finish are very hard We feel cheated on our friends. We feel restrained by our environment, and so on, and so on.
Life is a choice. And in this case, there are two choices we can choose to deal with. First, we bemoan every incident that is not in accordance with our wishes, or second, we still think positive about every incident that happened to our life.

If we choose the first choice, then enjoy the sadness that will deepen deeper. Sadness that will not improve anything in our life. Because attitude will be affected by what we think. If we think negatively, attitude and behavior will be affected to negative. Then the happiness of life will be more difficult to be feel. For example, when we are fail to do something, we just focus on the mistakes we made. We feel useless. Then, we blame ourselves for the failure, withdraw from the others because we feel we are worthless. Then, if we do this, how can we be happy?

But if we choose the second one,  which is positive thinking, let's welcome a better day. If we think positively, attitudes and behavior will be affected to be positive. Then the happiness of life will be easier to feel. When we fail to do something, it means we are given the opportunity to learn again to maximize our ability. By thinking like that we will have the spirit again to fix our mistakes. It will be make we peace, isn’t it?

Positive thinking is an energy will excite, the beginning of clarity of thought, and the terms of peace of mind. Positive thinking is a form of belief that there is always wisdom in every event. If we do not know now, do not understand yet, then the wisdom does not mean nothing. Because wisdom will always be there after every event, just like a rainbow that will only exist after the rain.

It is time we change our focus, not about what happens to us but about how we deal with everything that happened to us. Try to always think positive. Even when the situation is very negative. Positive thinking will help us.



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